The Programme on Adolescent Well-Being in the digital age investigates how the Internet, social media platforms, and video games influence the mental health and psychosocial functioning of young people. This ambitious research programme is pursued by a team of behavioural scientist’s keen to collect, collate, and analyse the best possible data to gain evidence-based insights that are useful for health policymakers and technology regulators.
Our team is studying individual, national, and international trends in the mental well-being of young people to determine for who, how and why health is changing over time. Our goal is to determine what role, if any, the introduction, and adoption of digital technologies shape well-being dynamics.
Our work has three main components: (1) The collation and analysis of dozens of datasets including data on technology use and health spanning many decades and countries. (2) Meta scientific research to determine the reliability of existing evidence and creating new tools to draw robust causal inferences about technology effects. And (3) generating and evaluating the scientific value of large-scale datasets leveraging the power of open datasets with objective data shared by technology platforms.
Sergey Nivens, Adobe Stock