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The Shirley Scholars Fund

The Shirley Scholars Fund

The Oxford Internet Institute (OII) is the world’s leading centre for research and teaching on technology, ethics and society. We seek support for our new graduate Shirley Scholars Fund to empower a diverse community of students working at the frontiers of knowledge in technology, data, and artificial intelligence (AI).

The Fund has two tracks:

Track I: Global Merit Awards

Dedicated to supporting students who seek higher degrees at Oxford University’s highly competitive Social Data Science or Information, Communication and The Social Sciences doctoral programs. Our current doctoral students drive a global conversation through their research.

Track II: Diversity and Fairness in Innovation and Technology

Supporting scholarships with a specific focus on diversity and fairness in technology. Scientific research can advance both public understanding of data diversity, and everyday decisions around AI and technology innovation broadly, leading to improvements in social equality.


A donation of any size will make a positive difference towards a student at the OII.


covers the living costs of a Master’s or DPhil student for one term.
covers the fees of a DPhil student for one year.
covers the living costs of a Master’s or DPhil student for a whole year.
covers the fees of a Home full-time Master’s student for the duration of a one year degree.
covers the full cost of a Home full-time Master’s degree at the OII.
covers the full cost of an overseas student studying a full-time Master’s degree at the OII.
covers the full cost of a Home full-time DPhil student’s degree at the OII.
covers the full cost of an overseas full-time DPhil student’s degree at the OII.

As founder donor of the Oxford Internet Institute, I am hugely proud of its excellent researchers who are investigating many areas relevant to contemporary life. Examples are bringing the world’s attention to “fake news”; introducing the concept of Big Data; and asking important questions about the ethical deployment of artificial intelligence.

I am honoured to give my name to the new Shirley Scholars Fund.The Shirley Scholars Fund will help in two ways. Firstly, to support the brightest and best from anywhere in the world to come and study in Oxford, regardless of their background. Secondly, to support scholars with a specific interest in using data and evidence to look at diversity and fairness in technology. Shirley Scholars will take forward crucial academic inquiry and so help realise the potential of technology and the internet for the common good.The Fund welcomes those who wish to endow full scholarships, and those who simply wish to make a generous contribution to academic inquiry and a genuine difference to the opportunities of individual students. Are you or your organisations able to contribute?

Dame Stephanie Shirley
Founding Donor, OII