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Dr Taha Yasseri

Former Senior Research Fellow

Dr Taha Yasseri

Former Senior Research Fellow


Dr Yasseri left the OII to join University College Dublin as an Associate Professor of Sociology in July 2020.

Taha Yasseri was a Senior Research Fellow in Computational Social Science at the OII, a Turing Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute for Data Science, and a Research Fellow in Humanities and Social Sciences at Wolfson College, University of Oxford. Taha Yasseri has interests in analysis of large-scale transactional data and conducting experiments to understand human dynamics, government-society interactions, mass collaboration and collective intelligence, information and opinion dynamics, collective behaviour, and online dating.

Research interests

computational social science, information dynamics, collective action, peer production, collective intelligence, human dynamics, social media, conflict and cooperation, opinion formation, online dating, collective behaviour, social networks, agent-based modelling, machine learning

Selected publications

(Full list)


Dr Yasseri graduated from the Institute of Theoretical Physics at the University of Göttingen, Germany (2010) with a PhD in Complex Systems Physics at the age of 25. Prior to coming to Oxford, he spent two years as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, working on the social complexity of collaborative community of Wikipedia editors, focusing on conflict and editorial wars, along with Big Data analysis to understand human dynamics, language complexity, and popularity spread.

Students and Postdocs supervised at the OII


Positions at the OII

  • Research Fellow, January 2022 - April 2017
  • Senior Research Fellow, May 2017 - June 2020
  • Big Data Research Officer, November 2012 - December 2014


Integrity Statement

Between 2012-2020, Dr Yasseri received funding from EPSRC, The Wellcome Trust, European Commission (Horizon 2020), Google Inc, eHarmony, Oxford University John Fell Fund, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, ESRC, JISC.

His research was conducted in line with the University’s academic integrity code of practice.



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