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OxIS: Oxford Internet Surveys

OxIS: Oxford Internet Surveys


OxIS is the only ongoing survey of Internet use in Britain; there is nothing with the scope and continuity of the OxIS data. It describes how Internet use has evolved from the first survey in 2003 to the present day. It includes information on use of the Internet, attitudes toward the Internet and technology, demographic information, and geographic information. It surveys the entire British population including users, non-users, and ex-users.

It can be used to track rising use of the Internet, to study reasons for non-use, and reasons to cease using the Internet, among many other questions. There is no other survey like it in Britain.


Key Information

  • Ofcom
  • Nominet Trust
  • dot.rural Digital Economy Hub
  • Cisco
  • Talisma
  • The British Library
  • ITV
  • O2
  • AOL
  • Wanadoo
  • BT
  • Scottish and Southern Energy
  • Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE)
  • Project dates:
    January 2003 - September 2021

    All Publications

    • Blank, G. and Dutton, W.H. (2014) "Next generation users: Changing access to the internet" In: The Ubiquitous Internet: User and Industry Perspectives Bechmann, A. and Lomborg, S. (eds.)Routledge Studies in New Media and Cyberculture. Routledge. 11-34.
    • Newman, N., Dutton, W. and Blank, G. (2014) "Social media and the news" In: Society and the Internet: How information and social networks are changing our lives Graham, M. and Dutton, W. (eds.). Oxford University Press. 135-148.
    • Blank, G. and Dutton, W. (2014) "Next generation internet users: digital divides, choices, and ineqaulities" In: Society and the Internet: How information and social networks are changing our lives Graham, M. and Dutton, W. (eds.). 36-52.
    • Blank, G. and Dutton, W.H. (2013) "The emergence of next-generation internet users" In: A Companion to New Media Dynamics. Wiley. 122-141.
    Conference papers
    • Newman, N., Dutton, W. and Blank, G. (2011) "Social media in the changing ecology of news production and consumption: the case of Britain", International Communication Association (ICA) Conference.
    • Margetts, H.Z. (2005) "The structure of e-government", Conference of the Communications Research Network.
    Journal articles
    • Blank, G., Dutton, W.H. and Lefkowitz, J. (2020) Oxis 2019: Digital Divides in Britain are Narrowing But Deepening.
    • Dutton, W.H. and Blank, G. (2015) "Cultures on the Internet", Dutton, William H., and Blank, G. (2015), 'Cultures on the Internet', InterMedia, Winter 2014/15. 42 (4) 55-57.
    • Dutton, W.H. and Blank, G. (2014) Cultures of the Internet: Five Clusters of Attitudes and Beliefs Among Users in Britain.
    • Dutton, W.H. and Blank, G. (2014) "The emergence of next generation internet users", International Economics and Economic Policy. 11 (1-2) 29-47.
    • Blank, G. and Groselj, D. (2014) "Dimensions of Internet use: Amount, variety, and types", Information Communication and Society. 17 (4) 417-435.
    • Dutton, W.H. and Blank, G. (2013) "The emergence of next generation internet users", International Economics and Economic Policy. 11 (1-2) 1-19.
    • Blank, G. and Reisdorf, B.C. (2012) "The Participatory Web: A user perspective on Web 2.0", Information Communication and Society. 15 (4) 537-554.
    • Blank, G. and Dutton, W.H. (2012) "Age and trust in the internet: The centrality of experience and attitudes toward technology in britain", Social Science Computer Review. 30 (2) 135-151.
    • Newman, N., Dutton, W. and Blank, G. (2012) "Social media in the changing ecology of news: the fourth and fifth estates in Britain", International Journal of Internet Science. 7 (1) 6-22.
    • Brooks, B., Welser, H.T., Hogan, B.J. and Titsworth, S. (2011) "Socioeconomic status updates: college students, family SES, and emergent social capital in Facebook networks", Information, Communication and Society. 529-549.
    • Margetts, H. (2006) "E-government in Britain - A decade on", Parliamentary Affairs. 59 (2) 250-265.
    • Blank, G., Dutton, W.H. and Lefkowitz, J. (2019) Perceived Threats to Privacy Online: The Internet in Britain, the Oxford Internet Survey, 2019.
    • Dutton, W., Blank, G. and Groselj, D. (2013) Cultures of the Internet: The Internet in Britain. Oxford Internet Survey 2013. Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford.
    • Dutton, W. and Blank, G. (2011) Next generation users: The Internet in Britain. Oxford Internet Survey 2011. Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford.
    Internet publications
    • Blank, G. (2014) No, digital natives are not clueless about protecting their privacy online. The Conversation.

    Videos and Podcasts
