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Grant Blank & Darja Groselj. (2014) The dimensions of Internet use: Amount, variety and types Information, Communication & Society. 17:417-435. DOI: 10.1080/1369118X.2014.889189
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Grant Blank & William H. Dutton. (2014) “Next Generation Internet users: Digital divides, choices, and inequalities” pp. 36-52 in Mark Graham & William H. Dutton (eds.). Society and the Internet: How information and social networks are changing our lives. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
William H. Dutton & Grant Blank. (2014) The emergence of Next Generation Internet users. International Economics and Economic Policy. 11:29-47. DOI 10.1007/s10368-013-0245-8
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Reisdorf, B. (2011) Non-adoption of the Internet in Great Britain and Sweden: A cross-national comparison. Information, Communication & Society 14 (3) 400-420.
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Dutton, W.H., Helsper, E.J., Whitty, M.T., Buckwalter, G. and Lee, E. (2008) Mate Selection in the Network Society: The Role of the Internet in Reconfiguring Marriages in Australia, the United Kingdom and United States.
Helsper, E. (2008) Internet Use and Opinion Formation in Countries with Different ICT Contexts. Observatorio 6: 121-149.
Helsper, E. (2008) Perceptions of Security and Risks on the Internet: Experience and Learned Levels of Trust. IT Security in Practice Conference, Aarhus University, 24 January 2008.
Helsper, E. (2008) Researching Trends in Internet Use. Information Systems Research Forum, London School of Economics, 12 February 2008.
Helsper, E.J. (2008) Digital Inclusion: An Analysis of Social Disadvantage and the Information Society. Department for Communities and Local Government.
Helsper, E.J. (2008) Digital Literacy: Different Cultures Different Understandings. November, International Digital Literacy Conference, Brunel University, UK.
Helsper, E.J. (2008) Gendered Internet Use across Generations and Life Stages in the UK. AOIR Conference, Copenhagen, October 2008.
Helsper, E.J. (2008) Trust and the Internet: Experience technology or certainty trough models? ECREA Conference, Barcelona, November 2008.
Helsper, E.J., Dutton, W. and Gerber, M. (2008) To Be a Network Society: A Cross-National Perspective on the Internet in Britain. Oxford Internet Institute Research Report No. 17, University of Oxford.
Dutton, W.H. (2007) Reaching a digital plateau? The continuing diffusion of the Internet in Britain. National Digital Inclusion Conference 2007 — Transforming Technology, Empowering People, London, 24 April 2007.
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Helsper, E. (2007) Social Exclusion and Digital Disengagement: Issues of Policy, Theory and Measurement. The Links between Digital Disengagement and Social Exclusion, OxIS workshop, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, 4 October 2007.
McKinnon, E. (2007) The Links between Digital Disengagement and Social Exclusion: Policy Perspectives. The Links between Digital Disengagement and Social Exclusion, OxIS workshop, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, 4 October 2007.
di Gennaro, C. and Dutton, W.H. (2006) The Internet and the Public: Online and Offline Political Participation in the United Kingdom. Parliamentary Affairs 59 (2) 299-313.
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Dutton, W.H. and Shepherd, A. (2006) Trust in the Internet as an experience technology. Information, Communication & Society 9 (4) 433-451.
Margetts, H. (2006) E-Government in Britain—A Decade On. Parliamentary Affairs 59 (2) 250-265.
Margetts, H. and Eynon, R. (2006) Oxford Internet Survey (OXIS) New directions, new questions. Presented at ‘The Next Oxford Internet Survey (OxIS)’, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, 24 November 2006.
Dutton, W.H. and di Gennaro, C. (2005) Digital Inclusion: the 2005 Oxford Internet Survey. Whose Responsibility is Digital Inclusion?, OII-ippr workshop, London, 11 April 2005.
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Dutton, W.H., Guerra, G.A., Zizzo, D.J. and Peltu, M. (2005) The cyber trust tension in E-government: Balancing identity, privacy, security. Information Polity 10 (1-2) 13-23.
Liff, S., Marsden, C., Wajcman, J., Rice, R.E. and Hargittai, E. (2005) An evolving gender digital divide? Oxford Internet Institute Internet Issue Brief No. 2, University of Oxford.
Margetts, H. (2005) The structure of e-government. Conference of the Communications Research Network, Cambridge-MIT Institute, Cambridge, 29 June-1 July 2005.
Dutton, W.H. (2004) Social transformation in an information society: rethinking access to you and the world. UNESCO Publications for the World Summit on the Information Society.
Dutton, W.H., Gillett, S.E., McKnight, L.W. and Peltu, M. (2004) Bridging broadband Internet divides: reconfiguring access to enhance communicative power. Journal of Information Technology 19 (1) 28-38.
Dutton, W.H. and Shepherd, A. (2003) Trust in the Internet: the social dynamics of an experience technology. Oxford Internet Institute Research Report No. 3, University of Oxford.
Dutton, W.H., Rose, R. and Shepherd, A. (2003) How much is enough for the Internet? Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford.