The Oxford Internet Institute (OII) has launched the third wave of its national survey on Internet use this week. The Oxford Internet Surveys (OxIS) are unique in offering detailed insights into the influence that the Internet has had on everyday life in Britain since 2003. In the past years OxIS has shown that:
- Internet penetration in Britain is stabilizing at around 60%
- Access to the Internet is still mostly from the home
- Generation gaps in Internet use are persistent: uses of the Internet beyond information seekingand communicating remain the realm of a few young and male experts
Based on comparisons between the 2003, 2005 and 2007 surveys, careful predictions about the future of the Internet will be made in relation to how people communicate, inform, educate and entertain themselves. For example, the 2007 dataset is expected to show a growth in social networking and creativity online. The report on the findings (to be published in June 2007) will also look closely at the factors that may be influencing people to turn away from the Internet, and how these factors might have changed over time.
- April 2007: Full 2007 dataset collected
- June 2007: Report on findings published
OxIS has benefited from active sponsoring and support from Ofcom, Cisco, AOL and HEFCE. We are very grateful to a new partner, the British Library, for advising on e-learning and information in an Internet environment.
Appointment of Survey Research Fellow
Dr Ellen J. Helsper was appointed as an OII Research Fellow in February 2007 to oversee and guide the development of OxIS as it comes to maturity in the coming years. She will help to create a vibrant and innovative research network around OxIS, by forging links between the policy, business and academic communities.
Notes for Editors
The Oxford Internet Surveys (OxIS) show how British people have responded to the rise of the Internet in the home, at work and at school. Nationally representative random samples of over 2000 people (aged 14 and upwards) are interviewed face-to-face for each survey.