Professor William H. Dutton
Senior Fellow, Advisory Board Member
Bill Dutton was the OII’s Founding Director, a Fellow of Balliol College and the first Professor of Internet Studies at Oxford University.
This discussion seminar addresses cultural variations in use of the Internet.
The Internet has a myriad of applications and every individual adapts what they do with the Internet to their own needs. Sometimes this aspect of variability in perceptions and use of the Internet is forgotten when websites are designed or Internet related policy is discussed.
Web pages are seen by people with very different backgrounds often from a wide range of countries and cultures. This event investigates these cultural differences and explores social, political and cultural explanations for these differences. The emphasis will be on different types of use and on different types of user behaviour that researchers and practitioners have found to be more or less prominent in different national cultures around the world.
Senior Fellow, Advisory Board Member
Bill Dutton was the OII’s Founding Director, a Fellow of Balliol College and the first Professor of Internet Studies at Oxford University.
Department of Media and Communications, LSE
Former Survey Research Fellow
Ellen Helsper is a Lecturer in Media and Communications at the LSE. At the OII she was responsible for the design, analysis and coordination of the Oxford Internet Surveys (OxIS) and World Internet Project (WIP) Surveys.
Digital Director, EMEA, McCann Worldgroup
Managing Director, Oban Multilingual