Dr Fabian Stephany
Departmental Research Lecturer
Fabian is a Departmental Research Lecturer in AI & Work at the Oxford Internet Institute.
Social science research increasingly rely on computational methods to study online culture, communities, and human behaviours, drawing from larger and larger amounts of data available online. The uptake of platforms (such as Twitter, Facebook and Google) and public websites around the world—and the relatively open, structured nature of the data they produce—now allows researchers to study many new social research questions.
However, the way these messy data are structured, disseminated, and available creates challenge for the social sciences. This course teaches how to collect and wrangle structured and unstructured data from social websites and platforms. In particular, the focus will be on using Python to access data from a diverse variety of sources on the social web (from Twitter to Reddit, from Wikipedia to the front page of the New York Times), and transforming this material into datasets which are amenable to traditional social science analysis. Once the data has been collected, the course familiarizes students with the variety of approaches for processing and preparing data for analysis.