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Re-humanisation in symbolic space of online media

Re-humanisation in symbolic space of online media

Project Contents

Main photo credit: Toa Heftiba (

Full project title: Re-humanisation in symbolic space of online media: the shift back to acknowledging humanity in the outgroup other.


There is a distinct public awareness and recognition of the problem of social polarisation. That social polarisation is both reflected in and triggered by between-group online abuse. This concern is also reflected in a large and growing body of scientific literature on online hate speech and dehumanizing language. However, researchers rarely focus on how groups with a history of hostility and confrontation come back to respectful dialogue and what structural, social and technological factors facilitate between-group reconciliation.

Motivated by these considerations, this project focuses on re-humanisation in online interactions. To do so, it monitors the transition from the frame embodying dehumanised perception of the outgroup to the one giving room to a more tolerant and humane treatment of it, focussing on the language used when discussing the outgroup, as this can shift from hostile to accepting.

The eventual purpose of the study is to contribute to balanced and healthy relationships and constructive dialogue between social groups with a history of hostility and confrontation and to minimise factors provoking inter-group aggression and violence.

Photo: Toa Heftiba (

Key Information

  • Dieter Schwarz Stiftung gGmbH
  • Project dates:
    November 2022 - October 2023

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