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Measuring What Matters

Measuring What Matters


Measuring What Matters is a knowledge exchange partnership between the University of Oxford, Happy Museum, MB Associates and the National Trust to develop a series of themed workshops to discuss ways of understanding and measuring impact and engagement in different ways and for different audiences or outcomes.  The aim of the workshops is to survey and better understand the methods in use across the cultural sector, and methods and research in similar areas in the academic sector, in order to better understand and refine them.  Particular benefit will be drawn from the University’s expertise in research methods such as statistics, digital ethnography, network analysis and big data analysis, together with expertise in cultural value, impact and audience engagement.  The workshops will create dialogue between the cultural and heritage sector and the University around how to measure what matters, and to question our ways of measuring.


Key Information

  • Social Sciences Knowledge Exchange (KE) Dialogues Scheme
  • Project dates:
    October 2017 - April 2018

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