Professor William H. Dutton
Senior Fellow, Advisory Board Member
Bill Dutton was the OII’s Founding Director, a Fellow of Balliol College and the first Professor of Internet Studies at Oxford University.
This project concerned productivity in the public sector institutions across eight EU countries. With the use of a dataset from the Momentum Research Group, an empirical assessment was undertaken of the impacts of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and the Internet on the services that public institutions offer to citizens. The assessment aimed to reach useful conclusions on indicators of productivity growth in the public sectors in (at least) the EU countries of the current dataset by studying:
Results of the current project served as input to an ongoing effort to develop a longer term research framework on issues of productivity in the public sector.
This project was made possible through the support of public funds and a kind donation from Cisco Systems.
Senior Fellow, Advisory Board Member
Bill Dutton was the OII’s Founding Director, a Fellow of Balliol College and the first Professor of Internet Studies at Oxford University.
Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford
Former Fellow
Alexandre Caldas is Chief of Country Outreach, Technology and Innovation Branch at the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), a Director position in the United Nations Organization. He is a Professor of Science and Technology Policy.
Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford