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Professor Thomas Hillman

Former Visiting Fellow

Thomas Hillman

Former Visiting Fellow

Profile Contents


Thomas Hillman is Associate Professor of information technology and learning at the University of Gothenburg. With a background in the design of products and environments for learning, his research investigates the ongoing reconfiguration of technology for learning in both formal and informal settings with a focus on the mutually constitutive relationship between the development of technologies and the transformation of epistemic practices. Thomas’ work to understand the role of tools in learning processes draws on sociocultural perspectives on learning, interaction and development, and on socio-material ways of conceptualizing the relationship between technology and use.

In recent years, Thomas’ work has focused on the blurring boundaries between online and offline activities in many aspects of contemporary life. Much of his research relies on extensive use of video-recordings and digital records of the ways people interact with technologies and Thomas works to adapt and develop methods and tools for gaining access to and making sense of these activities. During his time at the OII, he will be investigating ways to identify and unpack trajectories of epistemic development in online activities over time through the combination of micro level interaction analysis and ethnographic approaches with computational approaches.

Research Interests

Technology enhanced learning, lifelong learning, human-computer interaction, digital ethnography.

Positions at the OII

  • Visiting Fellow, March 2017 - May 2017


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