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Samantha Bradshaw

Former Research Assistant

Samantha Bradshaw

Former Research Assistant


Samantha Bradshaw was a D.Phil. candidate at the Oxford Internet Institute. She is also a Researcher on the Computational Propaganda Project at Oxford University, and a Senior Fellow at the Canadian International Council. Samantha’s work examines government use of social media for coordinated digital disinformation campaigns. Her research has been featured by numerous media outlets, including the Washington Post, Bloomberg, and the Financial Times. She holds an MA in global governance from the Balsillie School of International Affairs, and a joint honors BA in political science and legal studies from the University of Waterloo. Samantha tweets from @sbradshaww.

Research Interests

Social media and democracy, cyber security, computational propaganda, Internet governance, human rights online, government and politics.

Positions at the OII

  • Research Assistant, October 2016 - September 2020
  • DPhil Student, October 2016 - September 2020



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