17 August 2023
Rather than looking to decentralization of technology alone, we should instead ask what configurations of technology mirror real-world arrangements of decision-making authority that have led to meaningful checks and balances.
Jas Johl is a Visiting Policy Fellow at the Oxford Internet Institute, where her work focuses on digital identity, privacy, and emerging technology.
Johl has served as a senior advisor in California government, held senior roles in academia, and directed the launch of information security projects for top global companies. She is a member of the Board of Directors at The Roosevelt Institute, a U.S.-based think tank.
Johl received a B.A. in Rhetoric (Hons), and a B.A. in Political Theory from the University of California, Berkeley, and completed her MS.c in Comparative Social Policy from Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University.
Johl’s research efforts are advised by OII’s Director Professor Victoria Nash. Her work is supported by a grant from the Algorand Foundation.
Recent Publications:
The Price of Your AI-Generated Selfie, TIME magazine, 2022
Digital Identity, Human Rights, Information Security
17 August 2023
Rather than looking to decentralization of technology alone, we should instead ask what configurations of technology mirror real-world arrangements of decision-making authority that have led to meaningful checks and balances.