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Meeting, Dating, Marriage and the Internet

With Professor William H. Dutton
Date & Time:
10:00:00 - 15:30:00,
Friday 3 October, 2008


This forum will explore the history and future of academic research on online dating, and the role of the Internet in developing and maintaining intimate relationships, such as a marriage. What are the most promising directions for theory and research? Has research shaped policy and practice? Can research speak to some of the more Utopian and dystopian fears on the part of parents, counselors, and other users?

An invited set of participants from the academic research community and industry will discuss these issues over the day. All participants are encouraged to attend the panel discussion scheduled for 2 October, as an introduction to some of the key issues. A number of places have also been reserved for individuals with an interest in this research area.

All participants will be asked to provide a short 1-3 page position paper, addressing any of the above questions, prior to the forum. These position papers will be made available to the participants and used to organize the sessions and support the drafting of a workshop summary.

This event is organised as part of the OII research project ‘Me, My Spouse and the Internet’ which focuses on the role of the Internet in marriage. The project (and this event) is supported by a grant from