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e-History Doctoral Workshop

With Professor Eric T. Meyer, Professor Kathryn Eccles, Isabel Holowaty, and Dr James Wilson
Date & Time:
09:00:00, Thursday 3 September -
16:00:00, Friday 4 September, 2009


Doctoral students in any area of History or related fields who are interested in using the Internet for research are invited to apply to attend this workshop. Those studying the period 1700-1900 are particularly encouraged to apply (applicants are also strongly encouraged to attend the Digital History Workshop on 3 September 2009).

The main theme of the day will be translating research ideas in research practice in the context of Internet research, including a mixture of hands-on sessions, discussion of research problems and consideration of how digital materials can influence how one approaches research, in addition to interactive sessions geared at helping research students interested in this area connect with others from across the UK.

Three sessions will address:

  • How to identify digital resources for History
  • Operationalizing research questions using digital resources
  • Best practice in using digital resources

How to Apply

Fill out the e-History Doctoral Workshop Application (Microsoft Word, 30kb) and return to by 21st August 2009. Each student should prepare a short (3-5 min, 4 slides max.) summary of their work that focuses on their central research question and topic: it is hoped that these short presentations will lead to longer, more substantive discussions during breaks and further sessions.

Schedule for e-History Doctoral Workshop
Time Session
09:00 Arrival at the Oxford Internet Institute (1 St Giles) and coffee
09:30 Welcome by the organizers: Dr Kathryn Eccles and Dr Eric T. Meyer (Oxford University). Introduction: Historians on the web
09:50 Getting started with digital resources – finding out what’s available, Dr James Wilson, Intute
10:45 Coffee
11:00 Student Presentations and discussion
12:30 Lunch (provided)
13:30 Best practice in using Digital Resources for History: Isabel Holowaty, University of Oxford History Librarian
14:30 Coffee
14:45 Discussion: Addressing research questions using digital resources
16:00 End

Funding for this workshop has been provided by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC), with additional support provided by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and the Oxford e-Social Science Project (OeSS).

Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC)Oxford e-Social Science Project (OeSS)