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Yushi Yang

DPhil Student

Yushi Yang

DPhil Student


Yushi is a DPhil student in Social Data Science at the OII. She is interested in developing multimodal deep learning models that combine images, text, and other data modalities as inputs to provide new insights into healthcare and social science problems. Among her past research projects, she has developed statistical and machine learning models to assess the prevalence of modern slavery, examine the contagiousness of gun violence, and understand the emotional perceptions of artworks.

Yushi holds an MSc in Statistical Science from the University of Oxford and an MSc in Artificial Intelligence from Imperial College London. Before that, she held a BSc in Mathematics, Operation Research, Statistics, and Economics from the University of Warwick. She has completed statistics and AI research internships at Imperial College London and the University of Oxford, along with a data analytics internship at UNDP.

Research Interests

Multi-modal AI, Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing and AI in Healthcare.

Positions at the OII

  • DPhil Student, September 2023 -
