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Dr Stefan Zohren

Former Research Associate

Dr Stefan Zohren

Former Research Associate

Profile Contents


Stefan is a Faculty Member at the Oxford-Man Institute of Quantitative Finance, a Research Associate at the Oxford Internet Institute and a Mentor in the FinTech stream at the Creative Destruction Lab at Said Business School, all at the University of Oxford. He also acts as Scientific Advisor to Man Group.

Stefan’s research is focused on applied machine learning in finance, including deep learning, reinforcement learning, network and NLP approaches. He is also interested in exploring early use cases of quantum computing.

At the Oxford Internet Institute Stefan teaches the intensive module on Machine Learning and the elective on Applied Machine Learning as part of the MSc in Social Data Science. He also acts as an MSc thesis supervisor with previous projects covering financial news networks and analyses of social lending platforms.

Through the University of Oxford, Stefan frequently engages in collaborative projects with industry partners including NVIDIA, Graphcore, Nokia and Lockheed Martin. He has extensive consulting experience in leading machine learning projects in application domains such as finance and healthcare with clients ranging from listed companies to SMEs and start-ups.

Stefan holds a PhD in Mathematical Physics from Imperial College.

Positions at the OII

  • Research Associate, June 2021 - February 2024


Current Courses

Applied Machine Learning

This course teaches practical and applied Machine Learning techniques, focusing on how to apply the mathematical foundations of machine learning to domains where we are uncertain about the right answer or best approach, with an emphasis on temporal and graph-based approaches.