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Professor Manuel Castells

Former Advisory Board Member

Manuel Castells

Former Advisory Board Member


Manuel Castells is Research Professor at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC), in Barcelona. He also a University Professor and the holder of the Wallis Annenberg Chair of Communication Technology and Society at the Annenberg School of Communication, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, the Marvin and Joanne Grossman Distinguished Professor of Technology and Society at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Distinguished Visiting Professor of Internet Studies at Oxford University. He was Professor of Sociology and of City and Regional Planning at the University of California, Berkeley (1979-2003).

He has been Visiting Professor in 29 universities around the world and invited lecturer at hundreds of academic and professional institutions in 43 countries. He has authored 22 books, including the trilogy ‘The Information Age: Economy, Society, and Culture’, 1996-2003, published by Blackwell and translated into 23 languages. His most recent book is ‘Communication Power’ (Oxford, 2009). He has also co-authored and edited an additional 23 books.

He has received Honorary Doctorates from 14 universities and several honorary professorships and university medals. He is a member of the Spanish Royal Academy of Economics and Finance, a member of the Academia Europea, and a Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy. He was a founding member of the Scientific Council of the European Research Council, and is a member of the Governing Board of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT).

Positions at the OII

  • Distinguished Visiting Professor, November 2006 - December 2010
  • Advisory Board Member, September 2002 - October 2006


