With Dr Peaks Krafft
OxDEG is pleased to welcome Dr. Peaks Krafft to deliver this online session
Dr. Krafft was a Senior Research Fellow at the OII in the University of Oxford’s Social Science Division. Dr. Krafft’s research, teaching, and organizing aim to bridge computing, the social sciences, and public interest sector work towards the goals of social responsibility and social justice. Dr. Krafft pursues multiple programs towards this end.
Much of Dr. Krafft’s research centers around using mixed-methods social data science and participatory action research to study beliefs, ideology, and institutions in the information society, with a special focus on these topics in relation to artificial intelligence (AI) and other information systems.
Dr. Krafft also conducts research in computer science and cognitive science with contributions to the areas of distributed AI, multiagent systems, human-computer interaction (HCI), and Bayesian modeling.Finally, Dr. Krafft actively organizes spaces to facilitate collaborations between computer scientists and the nonprofit, public advocacy, and community organizing sectors.This collection of work touches upon a range of topics and cases, including the design of social media platforms and social recommendation systems; the dynamics of cryptocurrency markets; the perspectives of flat earth community; the development of autonomous weapons; the spread of rumors, misinformation, and disinformation; and the impact of cybernetic ideologies.
Dr. Krafft employs a wide range of methodologies, from qualitative case studies to large-scale online field experiment, networked online laboratory experiments, mathematical modeling, machine learning, neural networks, and Big Data.Dr. Krafft mainly publishes in AI and HCI conferences such as NeurIPS, AAAI, AAMAS, CHI, CSCW, and ICWSM, as well as Cognitive Science and Science and Technology Studies (STS) venues.
Before coming to OII, Dr. Krafft received a PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), where Dr. Krafft was funded in part by a National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship. After graduating, Dr. Krafft was a Moore/Sloan & WRF Innovation in Data Science Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Washington Information School, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of California Berkeley’s Social Science Matrix and Department of Psychology, a visiting postdoctoral scholar at the Data & Society Research Institute in New York City, and a participant in the Harvard Berkman-Klein Center/MIT Media Lab Assembly program.
Dr. Krafft co-directs the Critical Platform Studies Group (CritPlat), which is an international research collective that aims to interrogate and intervene on structures of power that are produced or reproduced by software. CritPlat conducts policy-facing ethnographic research on topics such as AI regulation, government use of information technologies, public understanding of AI, and funding relationships between academia and the tech industry.Dr. Krafft is excited to collaborate with other researchers, with students of all levels, and with anyone else on any of these topics, and related mission-driven topics not listed!
Pronouns: They/them
With Dr Peaks Krafft
OxDEG is pleased to welcome Dr. Peaks Krafft to deliver this online session