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Dr Jonas C. L. Valente

Cloudwork Postdoctoral Researcher

Dr Jonas C. L. Valente

Cloudwork Postdoctoral Researcher


Jonas CL Valente is a postdoctoral researcher in the Oxford Internet Institute, responsible for co-lead the Cloudwork Project, inside Fairwork Foundation. He was awarded a Doctorate in Sociology from the University of Brasília (UnB) (2019), one of the best post-graduate programs in this area in Brazil.

He defended his thesis on digital platforms, receiving an honorable mention in the UnB Thesis Awards and being nominated for the Capes Thesis Award. Over the course of the doctorate, Jonas worked as visiting researcher at the Lisbon School of Economics and Management (ISEG), affiliated with the University of Lisbon, studying digital platforms.

He holds a Master’s Degree in Communication from the University of Brasília (2009) and graduated in Social Communication from the University Center of Brasília (2003). He acted as substitute and voluntary professor at the Faculty of Communication at the University of Brasília. At the IESB, he worked as a professor on the Digital Journalism and Organizational Communication and Digital Strategies post-graduate courses.

He is currently working as a journalist with the Empresa Brasil de Comunicação (EBC), Brazil’s state public media company, focusing on technology, information and communication. He is a researcher with the Labor Studies and Research Group at the University of Brasília (GEPT-UnB), the Communication Policies Laboratory at the UnB (LaPCom-UnB), the Technology, Policy and Economics of Communication Laboratory at the UFC (Telas), and the Internet Governance Research Network.

He works as assistant editor on the Revista Internacional de Economia Política da Informação, Comunicação e Cultura journal  (Eptic-Online). He has taken part in international public hearings, speeches and debates (at events such as Rightscon), as well as in similar domestic events (at the National Congress, Higher Electoral Court and the Brazilian Internet Management Committee).

He is the author of books and articles on the regulation of communication and information, communication policies, online platforms and digital monopolies. His areas of interest include digital technologies, digital platforms, the Internet, labor, technology and communications.

Research Interests

Platform work, digital platforms, working relations, work and ICTs, Platform Economy, Internet, Regulation

Areas of interest for Doctoral Supervision

Platform work, ICTs’ impacts over work, platform economy, digital platforms, digital platforms regulation

Positions at the OII

  • Cloudwork Postdoctoral Researcher, May 2022 -


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