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Professor Greg Taylor

Associate Professor, Senior Research Fellow

Greg Taylor

Associate Professor, Senior Research Fellow


Greg Taylor is an economist whose research focuses on the economics of online markets and of markets for technology goods more generally. His research spans the domains of industrial organisation, information economics, network economics, game theory, and auctions theory. Special topics of interest include the search engine and online advertising industries, platform markets, consumer search behaviour and price comparison services, the attention economy, and online intermediary bias.

Although primarily theoretical in nature, Dr Taylor’s research deals with some of the most pressing issues facing practitioners and policy makers—with a special focus on issues in industrial regulation and competition policy for technology industries. He has played important advisory roles for government and regulators in these areas.

Besides his research, Greg takes great pleasure in introducing economics to new audiences and teaches a course in Internet Economics for MSc students at the OII. Prior to joining the OII, Greg obtained a PhD in economics from the University of Southampton.

Areas of Interest for Doctoral Supervision

Economic theory, economic modelling, game theory, information economics, competition policy, regulation, markets.

Research Interests

Economics, economics of the Internet and digitisation, microeconomic theory, industrial organisation, game theory, auction theory, competition policy, regulation.

Positions at the OII

  • Associate Professor, July 2018 -
  • Director of Graduate Studies, July 2018 - October 2022
  • Senior Research Fellow, May 2017 -
  • MSc Programme Director, October 2016 - July 2018
  • MSc Interim Programme Director, March 2016 - June 2016
  • Research Fellow, October 2009 - May 2017


Integrity Statement

My work has been financially supported by UK taxpayers, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the John Fell Fund, the NET Institute, Research Councils UK, the Digital Economics Research Network, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Research Programme on AI, Government, and Policy, funded by the Dieter Schwarz Stiftung gGmbH.. As part of my policy outreach, I have served in an unpaid advisory capacity to HM Government’s Department for Business, Innovation, and Skills and the Competition and Markets Authority. I have also undertaken paid consultancy work for the Competition and Markets Authority.

News & Press

Blogs & Press releases


Current Courses

Internet Economics

A general introduction to the economics of the Internet, and to economics as a tool for social research more generally, emphasising issues such as competition, asymmetric information, trust and privacy, auctions, and network economics.