Through empirical research, this project seeks to understand the determinants of individual cyber security behaviours of students in France and the UK.
Prof. Bertrand Venard is Rector of the French University of Armenia (@UFAR) and Associate Researcher at the Oxford Internet Institute (University of Oxford). He has developed several research projects about cybersecurity and corruption as Professor and Anti-Fraud and Cybersecurity Chair Holder at Audencia Business School (France). Thus, at the present, he is involved in a working group of the United Nations (Global Compact, Principles for Responsible Management Education, PRME) aiming at reducing corruption though curriculum development for Higher Education. Bertrand Venard is also Research Director of a project to help the government of Bhutan to reduce corruption. Leading the cybersecurity project at OII, he has been managing a research team that investigates the cybersecurity behaviours in the UK, France and Armenia.
His research interests concern fraud, corruption, and cybersecurity. He has published more than 50 academic articles.
He received a Doctorate in Management from the University of Paris (9) doing his research at the Management Research Centre of the Ecole Polytechnique (France). As a tenured professor, he holds a Certification of Research Direction (“Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches”) from the University of Paris (12) (Post-Doctorate diploma for Research Director and Professor). He also received a Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education from the University of Oxford.
Before starting an academic career, he worked in the financial industry and in consulting for PWC (PricewaterhouseCoopers). He has had various administrative positions in Higher Education such as Vice-Dean for Research and Dean of a Business School. Thus, he created the CFVG in Ho Chi Minh City in the early 90’s, now the leading business school in Vietnam. He has been a Visiting Professor at Wharton Business School (Financial Institutions Centre), IESE (Spain), Audencia (France), London Business School, the University of Cambridge and the University of Oxford. He has received numerous recognitions for his research such as the Sloan Fellowship (USA), Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (UK) or the Marie Curie Fellowship (European Union). Since 2002, Professor Bertrand Venard has been listed in the Who’sWho in the World, listing the most influential individuals in the world. In 2008, he was made Knight of the Academic Palms, Order of Chivalry of France to academics, distinction given by the French Ministry of Education. He is a member of numerous academic and professional associations such as the Academy of Management (AOM), Society for Business Ethics (SBE), EGOS (European Group for Organizational Studies), AIB (Association of International Business), AIMS (International Association for research in Strategic Management), SMS (Strategic Management Society).
Fraud, corruption, cybersecurity.
Through empirical research, this project seeks to understand the determinants of individual cyber security behaviours of students in France and the UK.
In the past five years, my work has been financially supported by the European Union (Cybersecurity Project, N° 792137), the United Nations (Global Compact, Principles for Responsible Management Education, PRME), the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), the Government of Bhutan (Anti-Corruption Commission of Bhutan), and the Audencia Foundation (France). As part of my science communication and policy outreach, I have served on the boards of Crédit Mutuel (bank), Institut Kervegan (think tank), Audencia Business School, MACIF (insurance) in an unpaid advisory capacity.
An Integrity statement is a means to declare my scientific sponsorship. It is also an opportunity to explain that my research projects have substantial ethical components. With a predominant interest in the fight against economic crimes, I consider my work as the creation and distribution of knowledge to help in the moralization of our economies. Advising a government to reduce corruption is clearly a scientific project that brings ethical values. In the same line, the cybersecurity project aims at understanding the determinants of cybersecurity behaviours, alongside helping combat cybercrime through ad-hoc prevention strategy development.