Darja holds a BA and MA in Marketing from the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Her work there focused on learning and knowledge sharing in virtual communities. During that time she gained experience in the social web realm by working as a community manager at the web 2.0 start-up Noovo.com and conducting research at the video-learning portal Videolectures.net at Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia and at Challenge:Future, a global youth think tank.
Darja joined the OII in 2010 as a master’s student. Her MSc thesis focused on the analysis of search results and link structures between them for the most widely used medical queries. Her doctoral research further examines the web as a source of information. She is interested in how people access, evaluate and use different information on the web and, in particular, how those acts are determined by search engines.
She is currently also working as a research assistant for the Oxford Internet Surveys (OxIS), which offer detailed insights into the Internet access, use and attitudes in Britain.