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Christoph Lutz

Former Visiting Doctoral Student

Christoph Lutz

Former Visiting Doctoral Student

Profile Contents


Christoph Lutz is a doctoral student in media and communication at the University of St. Gallen. He focuses on online participation in his dissertation and his other research interests cover social media in science and public administration, online privacy and trust, and digital serendipity. His publications include: “Beyond just politics: A systematic literature review of online participation” in First Monday, “Content creation on the Internet: a social cognitive perspective on the participation divide” in Information, Communication & Society, and “Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants: Differences in Online Trust Formation” in the Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.


Research Interests

Online participation, privacy, digital inequality, online trust, science 2.0, serendipity.

Positions at the OII

  • Visiting Doctoral Student, January 2015 - December 2015
