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The OII/TUM Heilbronn series on AI & Work: Do we have the skills to harness AI in work?

With Professor Vili Lehdonvirta, Dr Carl Benedikt Frey, Professor Helmut Krcmar, and Dr Rahild Neuburger
15 Feb 2022
With Professor Vili Lehdonvirta, Dr Carl Benedikt Frey, Professor Helmut Krcmar, and Dr Rahild Neuburger

In the first of a series of webinars discussing AI & Work, speakers from the University of Oxford and TUM Heilbronn Campus will examine whether we have the right skills to harness AI in the workplace of the future, and what industry, governments and academia can do to ensure we take advantage of the opportunities of AI while being mindful and aware of the risks.

Prof. Krcmar will discuss MÜNCHNER KREIS Future Study, Volume VIII: Life, Work, Education in 2035+. Analyzing the impact of artificial intelligence on central areas of life.

Dr Neuburger will discuss Competencies for Future Work.

Dr Frey will discuss how digital technologies are shaping the geography of work/spatial inequalities.

Prof. Lehdonvirta will discuss reskilling and what “AI skills” different professionals need based on preliminary findings from new research with Dr Fabian Stephany.

This collaboration is supported by the Dieter Schwarz Foundation.

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