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The Internet: Power and Governance in a Digitised World

With Professor Jonathan Zittrain, Dr David Bach, Solon Baroccas, Dr Maura Conway, Professor James der Derian, William Drake, Dr Ivan Horrocks, Dr Rex Hughes, Abraham Newman, Dr Diana Owen, and Paul A. Taylor
6 Dec 2006
With Professor Jonathan Zittrain, Dr David Bach, Solon Baroccas, Dr Maura Conway, Professor James der Derian, William Drake, Dr Ivan Horrocks, Dr Rex Hughes, Abraham Newman, Dr Diana Owen, and Paul A. Taylor
Filming venue:

St Antony’s College, University of Oxford, Oxford OX2 6JF.

Ten years since its emergence as a mainstream global medium, the Internet has interwoven with many contentious political issues, whilst also inspiring alternative visions on the nature of change and order in world politics. How political actors have been able to use the Internet to both control and liberate other agents and structures is not only one of the central enquires for researchers in the field, but also a critical question for students of international affairs. The study of the global political implications of the medium, however, remains in its infancy and there is much we do not understand. Questions of power and governance lie at the heart of many of these enquiries.

Time Session
09:00 Registration / Coffee
09:30 Welcome and Introduction by STAIR Editors
10:00 James der Derian: The Use and Abuse of the Internet in an Age of Infoterror
11:00 Coffee Break
11:15 Themed Session: The Internet and Terrorism

Maura Conway: Terrorist Use of the Internet and the Challenges of Governing Cyberspace

Solon Baroccas: De/re/coding Security in Societies of Control: Database as Security Practice, of Radical Relationality in Ontologies of Terror

12:45 Lunch at St Antony’s
13:30 Diana Owen: Citizen Journalists and the Evolution of Political Media (click to view recording)
14:30 Paul A. Taylor: Digital Resistance: Radical Protest and the Internet
15:30 Coffee Break
15:45 Themed Session: Internet Governance

Moderator: William Drake

David Bach and Abraham Newman: Local Power, Global Reach: The Domestic Institutional Roots of Internet Governance (click to view recording)

Ivan Horrocks: Managed Technology = Managed Democracy (click to view recording)

Rex Hughes: Internet Governance Through a Postinternational Prism (click to view recording)

17:30 Jonathan Zittrain
18:00 Concluding Session with STAIR Editors

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