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Digital Assembly 2016 – Workshop 2: eCommerce and Online Platforms

28 Sep 2016

Video of Professor Vili Lehdonvirta in Panel Discussion ‘The changing role of online platforms’ at the Digital Assembly 2016 – Workshop 2: eCommerce and Online Platforms on 28 September 2016.

Professor Lehdonvirta’s panel discussion begins at 01:56:43.

Panel Description

Six panellists will discuss from online platforms, think-tanks and academia how the role of online platforms is likely to change in the future. This session will focus on the role of online platforms as gateways to an ever larger set of services, goods and information. An interactive panel discussion will focus inter alia on innovation, the importance of data, and fairness in online platforms.

The topics to be discussed include:

  • What are the next sectors likely to be revolutionized by online platforms and digital marketplaces?
  • Where do the opportunities for European platforms lie?
  • What will be the impact of the Internet of Things on the future evolution of online platforms?
  • Which types of new services will emerge? (connected objects, connected cars, e-health, smart cities etc.)
  • How important is the role of data as a catalyst for the creation of new services and a source of competitive advantage?
  • Will the notion of privacy need to change?
  • Are relations between online platforms and producers / businesses using platforms balanced?
  • In which direction are they likely to evolve?


  • Michal Feix (
  • Inge Graef (KU Leuven)
  • Peter Irikovsky (LRJ Capital)
  • Vili Lehdonvirta (Oxford Internet Institute)
  • Marine Elgirchi (Spotify)