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Can Google and Apple change the gaming industry?

With Professor Vili Lehdonvirta
13 Jul 2019
With Professor Vili Lehdonvirta

It is estimated that more than 2.5 billion people play computer games every year, with e-sports getting an audience of 458 million a year. By 2025, the video game industry – currently dominated by Xbox, PlayStation and Nintendo – is expected to be worth some $300bn. And that is why some of tech’s biggest players are introducing rival services. Google’s parent company Alphabet will launch Stadia, and Apple will introduce Arcade this year.

Professor Vili Lehdonvirta spoke to news broadcaster, Al Jazeera, sharing his insights about the role of tech giants Apple and Google and how they are set to shake up the computer games market with introduction of their new rival services. His interview features towards the end of the programme (scroll through the first 19 minutes to listen to Professor Lehdonvirta).