Dr Ulrike Deetjen
Former MSc Student
Ulrike Deetjen (née Rauer) researched the influence of the Internet on healthcare provision and health outcomes.
Masters student Ulrike Rauer has received the 2011 MSc thesis prize from the Oxford Internet Institute, for her thesis entitled: “Patient Trust in Internet-based Health Records: An Analysis across Operator Types and Levels of Patient Involvement in Germany.” The prize is awarded annually on the basis of producing a thesis which shows outstanding promise as a researcher.
Ulrike, who joined the OII from McKinsey in order to study for her Masters degree, said: “I am delighted to be awarded this prize, although I am sure that many of the “Masters of the Internet 2011″ would have deserved it for their hard work during the last year. Most importantly, I wish to thank my supervisor Dr Rebecca Eynon for her guidance and support on the way, but also everyone else who made the year such an enriching experience: the fabulous faculty, staff, and my fellow students.”
Ulrike obtained her BSc in International Business Administration from the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder). She now returns to McKinsey.
The MSc Programme Director, Professor Ralph Schroeder, said: “Ulrike’s thesis makes an original contribution to the highly topical question of trust in electronic patient records. I have never before come across a thesis in which, as in a good novel, every word counts! Well-argued and full of insights, it can be hoped that Ulrike will submit a version of her thesis for journal publication.”
The Oxford Internet Institute is a world-leading centre for research and study of the Internet and its social implications. The eleven-month residential MSc in Social Science of the Internet offers students from a wide variety of backgrounds Internet-related courses in law, policy and other social sciences in the context of this dynamic and supportive multi-disciplinary department.