Rhys Crilley reviewed Political Turbulence in “Political Studies Review”
One of the major strengths of Political Turbulence includes the authors’ ability to make complex concepts from a variety of disciplines easily understandable and applicable to analysing social media. They manage to navigate the reader deftly through disciplinary borders and a deep ocean of data while never losing sight of the political significance of their findings. Indeed, such an inter-disciplinary perspective is exactly what is needed when making sense of politics in the age of social media. …more
The full review appears in Crilley, R. (2017). Book Review: Helen Margetts, Peter John, Scott Hale and Taha Yasseri, Political Turbulence: How Social Media Shape Collective Action. 15(2), pp. 306-307. Political Studies Review. Sage. doi:10.1177/1478929917695302.