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Review in Political Studies Review

Published on
7 Mar 2017
Written by
Scott A. Hale

Rhys Crilley reviewed Political Turbulence in “Political Studies Review

One of the major strengths of Political Turbulence includes the authors’ ability to make complex concepts from a variety of disciplines easily understandable and applicable to analysing social media. They manage to navigate the reader deftly through disciplinary borders and a deep ocean of data while never losing sight of the political significance of their findings. Indeed, such an inter-disciplinary perspective is exactly what is needed when making sense of politics in the age of social media. …more

The full review appears in Crilley, R. (2017). Book Review: Helen Margetts, Peter John, Scott Hale and Taha Yasseri, Political Turbulence: How Social Media Shape Collective Action. 15(2), pp. 306-307. Political Studies Review. Sage. doi:10.1177/1478929917695302.

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