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The Future of Healthcare: Computerisation, Automation, and General Practice Services

By Matthew Willis, Paul Duckworth, Logan Graham, Michael Osborne, Eric T. Meyer, and Angela Coulter
Cover of The Future of Healthcare: Computerisation, Automation, and General Practice Services

NHS General Practice in England faces multiple challenges, including skill shortages, staff retention, increased workloads, and financial burdens. Various strategies have been proposed to ameliorate these challenges, from increasing financial investments and renewing infrastructure to reorganising and redesigning staff. There is certainly no single solution that will create a robust, sustainable, and high performing general practice of the future.

The research program detailed in this report outlines the development and interpretation of an evidence base to inform the conversation about the use of technological support within primary care. Specifically, to what extent can currently available automation technologies be applied in general practice? And, what kinds of work conducted by which type of staff are most amiable to automation? By understanding the scope of automation and the location of where to best apply potential technologies, primary care organisations, policy makers, and industry can make an informed decision on work digitisation and workforce transformation.


Publication date:
June 2020

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