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Book event at Hong Kong University

Published on
4 Mar 2013

Very good discussion today at Hong Kong University at a seminar on our book. Here are my slides:

Some of the good questions asked afterwards:

Q: What might be the costs of data portability requirements? A: This working paper by Peter Swire is a good starting point for a discussion.

Q: Can some of these regulatory arrangements (and issues such as regulatory capture) be seen within a sociological perspective based on power? A: Yes. Sociologists are welcome to build on our work 🙂

Q: How does the IGF fit into your framework? A: Even if it is sometimes an Internet governance flying circus, it shows multistakeholderism in action to some extent. The real test of course will come when it has to make decisions, if the UN hands it this role in its ongoing discussions over future directions, as well as whether its role is usurped by parallel activity at the ITU. This is part of the broader ongoing geopolitical battle between the US and allies to retain the status quo, against the BRICs and many other developing countries looking for a stronger intergovernmental role in Internet regulation.