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Free sample chapters available from our new book ‘Research and Fieldwork in Development’

Published on
12 Jan 2015

SMALLResearch and Fieldwork in Development_COVER

The publisher has kindly allowed us to freely share three chapters of our new book (that I co-wrote with colleagues Dan Hammett and Chasca Twyman): ‘Research and Fieldwork in Development.‘ The book draws on our experiences of doing fieldwork about development and explores both traditional and cutting edge research methods, from interviews and ethnography to spatial data and digital methods.

Each chapter provides the reader with an understanding of the theoretical basis of research methods, reflects on their practice and outlines appropriate analysis techniques. The text also provides a cutting edge focus on the role of new media and technologies in conducting research. The final chapters return to a set of broader concerns in development research, providing a new and dynamic set of engagements with ethics and risk in fieldwork, integrating methods and engaging development research methods with knowledge exchange practices.

The three chapters can be downloaded below, and please head over to the book’s website if you’d like to obtain a copy of the full thing (please note that these chapters are made available for personal use only) or a full list of chapters:

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 9: Participatory Methods

Chapter 12: Big Data and Social Media


(cross-posted from the Geonet: Sub-Saharan Africa’s Knowledge Economy project)