Jamie Cameron
Former Research Assistant
Jamie Cameron uses 3D imaging to support museum learning through the online education platform 'Cabinet'.
Thanks to support from the University’s Van Houten Fund and GLAM Digital Strategy, Jamie Cameron and Kathryn Eccles have been working with Philip Grover at the Pitt Rivers Museum to produce the first publicly-available online exhibition to be published on Cabinet.
First displayed at the Pitt Rivers in 2013 by curator Philip Grover, and entitled ‘Travels in Finland and Bosnia & Herzegovina: An Ethnographic Collection of Sir Arthur Evans’, the exhibition features a series of photographs and drawings arising from expeditions made by the famous archaeologist Sir Arthur J. Evans (1851-1941) during his early life. Anyone can now explore these records of his trips to Finnish Lapland (1873) and Bosnia-Herzegovina (1875), using the award-winning Cabinet interface to zoom in on details of the high-resolution images, as well as a number of 3D models produced especially for this new exhibition.
Moving these materials from a physical to an online space has eliminated the constraints of the display case, meaning a significant amount of additional material from the Museum archives can now be made available alongside the original exhibits, along with further research information and instant access to the Museum’s online catalogue. Exhibits can also be linked together in a more flexible way, for example showing the evolution of Evans’ drawings from sketchbook to later publication.
The exhibition can be viewed here.