Tomas Borsa
Former DPhil Student
Tomas’ doctoral project investigates the social histories and future imaginaries of the Internet on Haida Gwaii.
In this OxDEG session, the fifth instalment of our ethnographic methods workshop, students and researchers can bring questions about ongoing projects to receive advice from organisers and attendees. We envision this as a forum for discussing practicalities, dilemmas, and other open questions and invite students and researchers at all stages of their projects, from planning and undertaking ethnography, to analysing and writing up. We hope to discuss issues of access, ethics, and more.
Advance registration is strongly encouraged. If you would like to participate, please contact Tomas Borsa ( and prepare to summarise your project and question within 5 minutes.
Joining link:
Meeting ID: 940 9081 1464
Former DPhil Student
Tomas’ doctoral project investigates the social histories and future imaginaries of the Internet on Haida Gwaii.
Professor of Social Anthropology, Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Oxford
Professor of Education, the Internet and Society
Rebecca Eynon's research focuses on learning and the Internet, and the links between digital and social exclusion.
Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Oxford
Dr Kelly teaches the Digital Anthropology paper to MSc in Social Science of the Internet students.