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How Network Researchers Network

Date & Time:
15:00:00 - 16:30:00,
Wednesday 5 November, 2014


The triple revolution — the turn away from groups to social networks; the personalized & far-flung internet; the always accessible mobile devices — have fostered Networked Individualism. Our Toronto group has been analyzing Networked Work — using as our case study a network of 200 scholars spread across Canada. We find that proximity and disciplinary similarity remain important — there has not been a “death of distance”. Yet simultaneously, diverse networks were appreciated. Unlike friendships, over time, scholalry ties with multiple ties of relationships tended to focus, with fewer coworking ties but abundant acquaintanceships.

In this talk Professor Wellman will present his NetLab team’s study of a trans-continental network of computer scientists, social scientists, and digital humanists. He will present methods and findings, and discuss implications for the broader analysis of both Networked Research and Networked Work.

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  • Name: Professor Barry Wellman
  • Affiliation: University of Toronto
  • Role:
  • URL:
  • Bio:
