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Global State of the Net Conference

Date & Time:
08:30 - 14:00,
Friday 30 November, 2007


As the global Internet continues to revolutionize how we communicate, gather information, and operate businesses, it is vital that we continue to explore these trends and their enormous policy implications. In acknowledgment of this electronic revolution, the first of its kind Global State of the Net Conference brought together influential legislators from the US, UK and EU parliamentary Internet groups to foster healthy inter-parliamentary dialogue of global Internet policy and promote cross-border cooperation.

In November 2007 technology policy leaders from across Europe and America met in London to engage on challenging technology policy issues such as telecom regulation, intellectual property protection, Internet governance and securing citizen privacy. The Global State of the Net Conference featured parliamentary leaders from Europe, Members of the US Congressional Internet Caucus including Congressmen Rick Boucher and Bob Goodlatte, government officials, leading tech policy academics, industry executives and representatives from NGOs. The format for the conference was informal and encouraged more structured, substantive discussions of practical issues challenging global policymakers.

The Oxford Internet Institute at the University of Oxford together with the Congressional Internet Caucus Advisory Committee (ICAC), part of a 501c3 charitable organization, provided a neutral platform for an informative policy dialogue. The ICAC is a private sector organization – comprised of public interest groups, trade associations, non-profits, and corporations – which hosts educational briefings on important Internet-related policy issues.

Time Session
08:30 Registration and Continental Breakfast
08:40 Welcome and Introductory Remarks
09:0 Broadband Deployment Policy

Roundtable Discussion – Broadband deployment and availability, mobile Internet

09:55 Coffee Break
11:00 Internet Governance

Roundtable Discussion – Update of IGF discussions held weeks prior in Rio, Internet gambling

10:55 Coffee Break
10:00 Cyber Security and Privacy

Roundtable Discussion – Data protection, computer security, safeguarding citizen privacy

11:55 Break while lunch is served
12:00 Digital Copyright and Intellectual Property

Roundtable Discussion – Copyright and fair use, piracy filters, patents

14:00 Conference Concludes

Congressman Rick Boucher

Congressional Internet Caucus

Bill Newton Dunn

Member, European Parliament

Congressman Bob Goodlatte

Congressional Internet Caucus

Malcolm Harbour

Member, European Parliament

Lord Merlin Hay, Earl of Errol

House of Lords

Alun Michael

Member, UK Parliament

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