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Fairwork UK Ratings 2023: A Call for Transparency

With Dr Adam Badger, Dr Funda Ustek Spilda, Six Silberman, Dr Sarrah Kassem, Ferdousara Uddin, and Emma Selinger
Date & Time:
14:00 - 17:00,
Friday 28 April, 2023
Newspeak House
How to attend:
Register now


Digital labour platforms are increasingly challenging conventional employment relations and shaping the future of work in the UK. On the one hand, gig work promotes economic growth, and the creation of new jobs lowers labour market entry barriers for some workers and provides job flexibility to those who need it. On the other hand, companies might slip through existing regulatory frameworks, and workers experience unfair working conditions on the platforms.

This year’s report, ‘Fairwork UK Ratings 2023: A Call for Transparency’, evaluates the working conditions in 12 of the most popular digital labour platforms in the country, including Amazon Flex, Bolt, Deliveroo, Getir, Gorillas, Just Eat, Ola, Pedal Me, Stuart, Task Rabbit, Uber, and Yoopies. Our findings reveal that there are significant shifts underway in the platform economy in the wake of a tech financing collapse, a cost-of-living crisis, and the alleviation of COVID-19 restrictions for a whole year. Whilst the pandemic may have been halcyon days for platform companies, reality is starting to bite. We’ll be asking whether workers are left paying the price.

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