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Ambient Accountability: Using Complex Information Systems to Combat Corruption

Date & Time:
17:15 - 19:00,
Thursday 19 January, 2017


About the Talk

Transparency is invoked everywhere and prescribed for close to everything, making it important to identify very specific manifestations and applications when discussing its value and potential as an ideal. In this presentation, I will share some thoughts on a handful of noteworthy developments in the transparency field. More specifically, I will offer some ideas on three interesting dynamics that I would label as unknowable, ambient, and synthetic transparencies, and I will provide some examples of how technology innovation creates new opportunities for collaboration between researchers and policy advocates in these three areas.

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  • Name: Dr. Dieter Zinnbauer
  • Affiliation: Transparency International
  • Role:
  • URL:
  • Bio: Dr. Dieter Zinnbauer works on emerging policy issues and innovation for Transparency International (TI), an NGO present in more than 100 countries to fight corruption and promote good governance. His elusive job title allows him to float various half-baked ideas from new business models for anti-corruption, to new levers for building organisational cultures of integrity, fresh alliances at the urbanisation and corruption nexus, or rather outlandish approaches to making data understandable. Dr. Zinnbauer previously served as Chief Editor of TI’s Global Corruption Report.
