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Director’s statement on anti-racism

Director’s statement on anti-racism

Published on
18 Jun 2020
Written by
Philip Howard

The Oxford Internet Institute is committed to the work of eliminating discrimination, in all forms, and to creating equal opportunities to participate in the research and teaching. As scholars of technology and society we must continue to investigate how information infrastructure, media, and algorithms perpetuate social inequalities, and work towards tangible change through our teaching, scholarship, and policy work.  Understanding and ending the role that technology plays in enacting racialized and gendered inequality is core to our mission.

Our intellectual community and normative project extends across the OII, the University of Oxford, and around the world.  We work in solidarity with those who suffer, support those who protest against injustice, and seek to advance both the research agenda and research practise on equality and justice.

The Oxford Internet Institute is committed to efforts to eliminate discrimination, create equal opportunities and develop good working relationships between different people. We pride ourselves in our multinational and multiracial staff and students. We know we still have much to do, and we acknowledge that fostering inclusiveness and an environment that supports diversity must be a central objective of any first-rate research and education institution. Our students and faculty have approached this challenge with bold-thinking and passion. I look forward to working with them in the weeks and months ahead to make progress on this shared agenda.

As a Department we are committed to anti-racism and undoing social inequalities.  This commitment to an equitable world requires constant work in our research, our teaching, and all our organizational practices. We must do everything in our power to investigate it, learn from it, teach about it, and end it.