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Call for Papers

Published on
13 Nov 2008
Written by
Anne-Marie Oostveen

If you are you doing interesting research on eGovernment issues you might want to consider submitting a paper to the International Journal of Electronic Government Research (IJEGR). As an editorial board member of this journal I have been asked to encourage my colleagues and contacts to send in their manuscripts. The IJEGR journal is looking for submissions that reflect the wide and interdisciplinary nature of e-government as a subject and manuscripts that integrate technological disciplines with social, contextual and management issues. For a list of possible topics, please take a look at the Call for Papers.

I am quite pleased about the fact that apparently more and more researchers seem to focus their studies on citizen needs. Editor-in-Chief Prof. Vishanth Weerakkody from Brunel University says:

“Most of the recent articles submitted to IJEGR have focused on adoption and diffusion issues of e-government services from a citizen’s perspective. This shows that the user related issues are very important and are treated as high priority by researchers.  This is particularly important as earlier e-government research (from 2001 to around 2005/6) has largely focused on the organizational and implementation side of e-government, while the focus is now shifting to adoption and diffusion from a citizen/user centric perspective.” 

Prospective authors should note that only original and previously unpublished articles will be considered. Interested authors should consult the journal’s guidelines for manuscript submissions at: