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The University Act of Incorporation

The University Act of Incorporation

The University’s Act of Incorporation is the overall charter for the University, and is called the ‘Oxford and Cambridge Act of 1571’.


The Chancellor, Masters, and Scholars of the University of Oxford incorporated; Common Seal; The Chancellor, Masters, and Scholars of the Universities of Cambridge incorporated; Common Seal;—

The Right Honorable Robert Erle of Leicester nowe Chauncellor of the said Universitie of Oxford and his Successors for ever, And the Masters and Schollers of the same Universitie of Oxford for the tyme being, shalbe incorporated and have a perpetuall Succession in Facte Dede and Name, by the Name of the Chauncellor Masters and Schollers of the Universitie of Oxford, and that the same Chauncellor Maisters and Schollers of the same Universitie of Oxford for the tyme being, from henceforth by the Name of Chauncellor Maisters and Schollers of the Universitie of Oxford, and by none other Name or Names, shalbe called and named for evermore: And that they shall have a common Seale to serve for their necessarie Causes touching and concerning the said Chauncellor Maysters and Schollers of the said Universitie of Oxford and their Successors.