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Onlife Ethnography: Researching Technologically Mediated Worlds

Date & Time:
16:30:00 - 18:00:00,
Thursday 13 March, 2014


In this OxDEG seminar series event, Edgar Gómez Cruz will discuss his ethnographic work studying digital photography practices of photographers on online platforms carried out between 2008 and 2010 in Barcelona and Oxford, as well as some of the early results of his latest fieldwork studying users of Studio 12, a media initiative dedicated to working with 16-30 year old unemployed youth. Gómez Cruz will discuss the role of the ethnographer in mediated settings, how the field is constructed in such settings, ethical decision-making, as well as tools to gather, analyse and present data. The working concept of “onlife ethnography” will be discussed as a tool to grasp the complexities of contemporary ethnographic fieldwork within the digital frame.

This event is part of Oxford Digital Ethnography Group, an interdisciplinary collaboration between the School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography (SAME) and the Oxford Internet Institute (OII).

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  • Name: Edgar Gómez Cruz
  • Affiliation: University of Leeds
  • Role:
  • URL:
  • Bio: Edgar Gómez Cruz is a Research Fellow at the School of Media and Communication, University of Leeds. He has published widely on a number of topics relating to digital communications, particularly in the area of digital photography, digital culture, ethnography and visual culture. His recent publications include the book (in Spanish), ‘From Kodak Culture to Networked Image: An Ethnography of Digital Photography Practices’, and several articles on digital photography and ethnography. Gómez Cruz’s current research investigates screen cultures and creative practice, funded through an RCUK digital economy grant.
