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OII Research and Policy Workshop

With Professor William H. Dutton, Professor Helen Margetts, Professor Jonathan Zittrain, and Professor Victoria Nash
Date & Time:
11:00:00 - 15:00:00,
Monday 27 March, 2006


This workshop showcases two areas of the OII’s research addressing questions of real concern to government, industry and NGOs. The first part of the workshop will draw on data from the 2005 Oxford Internet Survey (OxIS) to explore the generational and age-related patterns of Internet use which need to be more clearly understood if concerns about the future uptake of Internet-driven services and age-related exclusion are to be addressed. After an informal lunch, the second half of the workshop will focus on Professor Jonathan Zittrain’s research on state-sponsored filtering and Internet censorship (OpenNet Initiative), raising important questions about the potential of the Internet to provide information even in more repressive regimes.

Workshop agenda

Time Session
11:00 Coffee and registration
11:15 William Dutton: Internet Generations

The first part of the workshop will draw on data from the 2005 Oxford Internet Survey (OxIS) to explore generational and age-related patterns of Internet use

12:00 Discussion

Moderator: Helen Margetts

12:45 Networking Lunch
13:30 Jonathan Zittrain: Understanding Internet Filtering Worldwide

This second session will focus on the latest insights and issues in Internet filtering conducted by national governments, including recent controversies over the role of Western firms who assist in political censorship or surveillance

14:15 Discussion

Moderator: Victoria Nash

17:00 End

This workshop has been organised in collaboration with AOL, BT, Ofcom and Wanadoo.


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