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OII experts add their voices to the online safety debate at the Family Online Safety Institute (FOSI) European Forum

With Trisha Prabhu
With Trisha Prabhu

Panel Perspective: ‘Emerging Horizons: Navigating The Future Of Online Safety’, Founder Of ReThink, And OII MSc Student, Trisha Prabhu

The final panel of the day looked to the future. Panellists Julie de Bailliencourt of TikTok, Iain Drennan of WeProtect, Alex Holmes of the Diana Award, and Trisha Prabhu of ReThink reflected on how advancing technologies will impact our everyday lives, and what this means for the future of online safety. They discussed how all stakeholders, as well as parents and young people themselves, can navigate these complex and evolving times. From a variety of different perspectives, the panelists examined the most important facets of online safety as we embark on a new era of digital innovation.

Looking Ahead To The Future, Rethink Founder And OII MSc Student Trisha Prabhu said;

“I’d like to see online safety led by a diverse coalition, led by people from different backgrounds, geographies, perspectives, that are working together in good faith to consider how we can find the balance between the good that the internet has to offer and some of the harms.”