Dr Christopher Foster
Former Researcher
Chris Foster's research focus is on technologies and innovation in developing and emerging markets, with a particular interest on how ICTs can support development of low income groups.
We will be organising and contributing to a number of sessions at the Global Conference on Economic Geography (GCEG 2015) which will be held here in Oxford on 19-23 August, 2015.
Of interest for those working at the intersection of digital technology and geography, this year there is a whole stream on ‘digital economies’ highlighting the increasing importance of our work within mainstream economic geography.
See below for an outline of our contributions. A full timetable is also available on the GCEG site. Sadly, the conference has been over-subscribed and is already sold out, but we will share relevant papers and reflections following on from the conference:
Plenary session:Digital economies: reconfiguring uneven geographies – Thursday 20 Aug 11:50-13:10
A group of five scholars – representing a range of disciplines and backgrounds– will discuss how digital technologies and related practices are interacting with economic geographies. Drawing from the fields of communications, development, business and finance the conversation will cover both how geographical concepts matter and shape the digital as well as how the digital is (re)shaping and complicating the geographical organisation of the economy. The goal of this session is highlight the changes in economic practice and power associated with digital technologies and the kinds of new economic places and spaces that are emerging in the global economy
Panel: Mark Graham (University of Oxford), Rebecca E. Enonchong (Apps Tech), Jack Linchuan Qiu (Chinese University of Hong Kong), Robin Teigland (Stockholm School of Economics), Matt Zook (University of Kentucky)
Session: Considering digital production networks and value chains (cfp)- Thursday 20 Aug, 14:20-15:40
Organisers: Mark Graham, Christopher Foster, Isis Hjorth (University of Oxford)
Paper: The liability of origin in online labour markets — Helena Barnard (University of Pretoria), Vili Lehdovirta, Isis Hjorth, Mark Graham (University of Oxford)
as part of session, ‘Working in the virtual world: exploring the geographies and labouring experiences of bloggers’ – Thursday 20 Aug, 16:00-17:20
Paper: Visualising Regional Patterns of Collaborative Software Development Through GitHub: Does Sub-‐Saharan Africa Code Home or Away? — Sanna Ojanperä & Stefano De Sabatta (University of Oxford)
as part of the session ‘Visualisation in economic geography’ – Saturday, 10:10-11:30
Paper: The Hub Organization: Using Fluid Boundaries to Manage Innovation Networks — Nicolas Friederici (University of Oxford)
as part of the session ‘Innovation management: organisation, diffusion and spatial scope’ – Saturday, 14:20-15:40