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Dissertation: African Hubs as Assemblers of Technology Entrepreneurs

Dissertation: African Hubs as Assemblers of Technology Entrepreneurs

Published on
5 May 2017
Written by
Nicolas Friederici

Good news: my dissertation on African technology innovation hubs is now complete! The digital record is here, and the hardbound copy will shortly be deposited with Oxford’s Bodleian Libraries as well.

Friederici, N. (2016, October). Innovation Hubs in Africa: Assemblers of Technology Entrepreneurs. Dissertation, Oxford, UK: Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford.

Oxford dissertations are under embargo for three years, so unfortunately, the whole piece will not be available to the public immediately. However, I’m making the abstract & outline available:

Friederici, thesis, Abst & TOC (Jan 2017)

Please reach out to me if you’re interested in a particular chapter or section, and I’m happy to share details with you informally.

Literally hundreds of people have contributed to this work, and I’m deeply grateful for all the support I’ve received. Rather than listing them all, here’s a pdf with acknowledgments:

Friederici, thesis, acknowledgments (Apr 2017)

Of course, finishing the thesis doesn’t mean that my work on hubs is over. Throughout this year, I will work on a number of papers that will elaborate on different aspects covered in the dissertation. I’m also looking forward to sharing my findings with hub leaders and others. Get in touch if you think I can help!